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Domain 3 Artifacts

Domain 3E

Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness


When the school district pivoted to an alternative method of instruction day I had to begin my solo unit a week early on zoom. We were doing in-class presentations and if I did not begin the unit early we would be two days behind. I adapted our nonfiction analysis lesson and New Kid analysis to an online lesson.

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Domain 3E

Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness

A student wrote a writing response on the MLK speech "Speak Out," he was nervous to turn his paper in. This assignment was meant for me to be able to read student work and learn more about them. I told him if he did not want me to read the paper, he could write "do not read" on his paper and I would not read it. I left a note on the bottom of his paper that let him know that I am here to listen when he is ready to share.


Students were struggling on the formatting of their nonfiction analysis so I created an annotated document with student work to exemplify what their responses should look like. I also gave them extra time to edit their assignments so that they had enough time to implement the necessary changes.

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Domain 3D

Using Assessment in Instruction

Domain 3C

Engaging Students in Learning


For a lesson about concise language and editing I had students engage in a writing activity that asked them to describe Pete Davidson in verbose language. After this, students edited their responses to display concise language. I chose Pete Davidson because a lot of my students like him. For students that did not like him, they were allowed to write a negative response as long as it was school apropriate and displayed an understanding of concise language. 

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Domain 3B

Using questioning and discussion techniques 


For a lesson on a close reading of A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, I asked students to complete a world with a  vocabulary word that was relevant to the instruction and scene analysis of the day. After this, we watched a scene and answered a discussion question about the scene. In this I was able to use different dialogic tools to involve and engage students in learning. 

Domain 3A

Communicating with students

Throughout my A Raisin in the Sun unit I have anchored what we are learning to the rubric and the expectations for the final assessment. Through this I have been able to have to communicate the importance of what we are doing and why we are doing these. Through this, I have been able to peak student interest and show them what I am expecting of them for the final assessment. This also engages them and keeps them oriented to the classroom instruction.

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