Planning and Preparation
Domain 1 Artifacts
Domain 1A
Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
Here is a lesson plan for a seating chart for characters in the novel, The Great Gatsby. I have highlighted the instructional outcomes for students and the Arkansas State Standards that are accomplished through the lesson.
Adapted curriculum for AMI instruction. Changed the schedule of the unit so that I was able to optimize online instruction. I made sure that all resources were available before class started. I also made sure that there were still opportunities for discussion in break-out rooms.
Domain 1E:
Designing Coherent Instruction
For our playwriting extension assignment I provided students with a Chrome extension to automatically format their dialogue. This was embedded in their assignment instructions and was linked on Google Classroom.
Domain 1B
Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
I created a graphic memoir assessment option for the Nonfiction Memoir final assessment. I noticed that a large majority of my students were doodling on their assignments and on their notes. Most of these students do not enjoy writing and do not see themselves as writers. By offering these students the opportunity to show their learning through a graphic memoir students were more engaged and saw themselves a as writers.
Domain 1F
Designing Student Assessments
I created a document with clear assignment expectations so that when students are working on the assignment they understand how the assignment will be scored. I created a more detailed rubric because my students needed more direction and wanted a detailed breakdown of how points would be distributed.
Domain 1E
Designing Coherent Instruction
Created a document that links my lesson plans onto the district calender. This helped me make sure that each lesson was teaching a skill that was necessary for the graded aspects of the assignment. I created my instructional materials for the unit after creating the rubric for the assignments. I did this because I wanted the maximize the instructional outcomes of each student. This structure allows me to assess student progress throughout the unit so students can recieve extra help thoroughout the unit.